React/Redux for foreigners
In the latest developer survey of StackOverflow, React is the most loved framework and JavaScript is the most popular language.1 I hear the words New Hotness thrown a lot. Surprisingly, former Hotness CoffeeScript has now been relegated to the most hated list.
Estimating Video Duration by Linear Regression
In Quipper, we use Brightcove to host our video contents.
Why I enjoy working with ReactJS
ReactJS by Facebook is one of the most popular Javascript libraries nowadays.
Managing Terraform versions with tfenv
Quipper provides some products that consist of different infrastructures (AWS VPCs) and we use Terraform to build them.
How much (characters) is that doge in your window?
A funny thing happened one night as I got home and started to get settled for bed. A devsupport ticket from our github issue tracker has caught my eye. The title went something like “Strange Characters on Qlink”. Something about strange things has always fascinated me, and this was not...